Spectrum Spy

Red was never a violent colour to me
Filled with flashing banners or streamers
Rather passion and love and noise

Orange was always my sisters favourite colour
Due to her fiery hair
She never failed to wear it, even in her ‘rebel’ phase

Yellow fills my heart with joy
It reminds me of sun and my mother
All the things that brighten my day

Green stands for pride
For a county which will always be a part of me
Freshness and cleanliness

Blue is the colour of calm
Soothing seas with fluffy skies
Comfortable and always safe

Indigo was always the in between colour
Who no one really remembers
Which makes it kind of relatable

Violet bends most at the end of the spectrum
Shining through droplets of rain
The stuff I was fascinated with in Science class

I can see a rainbow
But you can see me

Screen Shot 2016-04-15 at 21.18.44

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Why is the sky NOT blue?

Of course we’ve all asked the question Why is the sky blue? This may be lightly said, or someone might actually take the time to google it. As my friend and I were explaining it to my other friend one day, we thought of this ‘Inspectrum Theory’. The rainbow bends, with violet being the most bent and red being the least bent. But what if we were just on the blue part of the spectrum? What if there is a universe where it is as normal to say “Why is the sky Red?”, than it is for us saying “Why is the sky blue?” What if each colour of the rainbow had a universe on it, but we could never find out because there would never be a time in space where all seven colours would bend at the same wavelength? So if a rainbow appears in our universe, is it inspectrum? (inception + rainbow spectrum). But if you think more clearly into it, are we just a wavelength in someone else’s rainbow? Or is there seven universes in our rainbow? Where the sky is red or orange or yellow or green or indigo or violet?